The face is a mirror of our overall health and well-being. As we get older, naturally our skin ages as well. Stress, poor lifestyle choices, and bad habits can speed up the aging process. Along with acupuncture treatments for general ailments and injuries, I also practice a style of facial acupuncture that helps slow down the apparent signs of aging in the face. Based upon the same Chinese medicine principles as a regular acupuncture treatment; points are tailored to each patient's unique diagnostic results to balance the entire body. True to holistic form, the benefits are experienced head to toe. As results are cumulative in effect, most benefit comes from an initial series of treatments, followed by casual maintenance.
Facial acupuncture:
Increases collagen production
Increases facial circulation
Moisturizes skin from the inside out
Brightens eyes
Reduces acne and facial scars
Eliminates fine lines
Lessens deep wrinkles
Firms sagging skin
Reduces puffiness
Improves complexion
Promotes general health
While facial acupuncture cannot reshape one's nose or chin as surgery would, it is a safe and natural alternative for lessening the effects of aging while improving overall health.
If you have any questions, please get in touch with me at